What is Anarchy?

Anarchy is the ultimate Minecraft experience for those who crave absolute freedom. In this Anarchy server, there are few rules and limits. Whether you're a builder, a griefer, a PvPer, or a explorer, you’ll find your place here.

Minecraft person
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About the Server

  • Few Rules: Build, destroy, steal, and fight without restrictions.
  • Open World: Explore a vast, open world where every block and biome is yours to conquer.
  • Community: Join our Discord community to connect with other players, share your experiences, and stay updated on server news.
  • Unpredictable Gameplay: With no protected areas or safe zones, every moment is filled with risk and excitement.
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  • Vanilla Experience: Enjoy a mostly vanilla Minecraft experience with minimal plugins to maintain the raw, anarchy atmosphere.
  • Frequent Updates: We keep the server updated to the latest stable version of Minecraft to ensure the best experience.
  • 24/7 Uptime: Our server is online 24/7, so you can play whenever you want.
  • Events: Participate in spontaneous, community-driven events that add an extra layer of chaos and fun.

Have a problem or want to get in touch with others?
Join our Discord!

Vote for Anarchy

Our voting system is designed to maintain the integrity of our vanilla Minecraft experience, ensuring that no in-game rewards or benefits are offered. However, as a token of appreciation for your regular voting, we provide you with exclusive perks such as a faster queue, special ranks, and guaranteed player beheading, among others.

Server FAQs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Anarchy Minecraft Server

What is an Anarchy Minecraft server?
An Anarchy Minecraft server is a type of server where there are few rules or restrictions. Players have complete freedom to do whatever they want, including griefing, stealing, and PvP.
How do I join the server?
To join the server, you need to enter the server’s IP address (anarchy.ac) in the multiplayer menu of Minecraft. Make sure you have the correct version of Minecraft installed that matches the server.
Is there a whitelist?
No, our server is open to all players. Anyone can join without needing to be on a whitelist.
Can I build and protect my own base?
Yes, you can build your own base. However, since there are protected zones, other players can find and destroy your base at any time.
What happens if I get killed or my base gets griefed?
Losing your items or having your base griefed is a common occurrence. It's part of the challenge and excitement of playing on an Anarchy server.
Are there any protected areas?
No, there are no protected areas. Every part of the server is fair game for all players.
Is cheating allowed?
While there are no gameplay rules, we encourage fair play. Excessive cheating that severely impacts server performance may result in temporary bans to maintain server stability.
What should I do if another player is harassing me?
Since this is an Anarchy server, in-game harassment is allowed. However, if you experience harassment outside the game (e.g., on Discord), please report it to the server admins.
Can I invite friends to join the server?
Absolutely! Feel free to invite anyone who is interested in the Anarchy Minecraft experience.