Violations of these guidelines may result in temporary loss of chat privileges or server access.

Minecraft Server

  1. No Lag Machines: Do not intentionally build structures or use mechanisms designed to cause server-wide lag or crashes.
  2. No DDoS: Any attempts to disrupt the server via DDoS attacks.
  3. No Spam: Spamming chat with repeated messages. Do not use automation to send messages in the chat.
  4. No Advertising: Promoting other servers, websites or services in chat is not allowed.
  5. No Harassment: Any form of personal or real-life harassment, threats, or bullying is strictly prohibited, whether in-game or within external communities. Remember, it's just a game.
  6. Respect Server Integrity: While the gameplay is unmoderated, actions that could permanently damage the server's data or infrastructure are not allowed.


  1. Warnings: Minor rule violations may result in warnings.
  2. Temporary Bans: Repeated or severe violations may result in temporary bans.
  3. Permanent Bans: Extreme cases or repeated severe violations may result in a permanent ban.

Discord Server

  1. Treat everyone with respect.
  2. No harassment, sexism, racism, or hate speech will be tolerated.
  3. No spam, shilling, or self-promotion.
  4. No NSFW or obscene content.
  5. Follow the Discord Community Guidelines:
  6. We will never DM you first. Be aware of people trying to impersonate the team. Keep your DMs closed if you can!

If you have read the rules, you can go and enjoy the fun on our server!

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